Guidelines for Staff receiving certificates for various reasons in the middle of their working in the institution:


  1. Get HOD permission letter
  2. Caution deposit of Rs10000 in the bank
  3. Requisition by online to the management
  4. Collecting the documents after 3 working days from the trust office by submitting the above documents.

2014-15 admission criteria:


  1. Application form is issued by Ms. Gomathi at One stop center
  2. Mr. Babi at One stop center collects T.fee. Original documents are given along with the amount to Mr. Babi.
  3. Mr. Velladurai and Mrs. Emelda will collect it from Mr. Babi to verify the documents and save it.


Staff who admitted the students will receive their service charge by  RTGS. So please give your account details to Mr. Babi or send it correctly to


Interdepartmental stock verification must be done before June 31st by all departments.

JS Colleges: Guidelines for Students Requesting Certificates after 31st May 2014


Students of both JSEC and TKPC students were given circulars to collect their original documents before 31st May 2014. Students who fail to collect it should follow the following guidelines.

1.Request for your documents by email  If no dues, you will be given the date and time, staff name, location for you to collect the documents from the Trust Office. You should appear in person and produce the email print out to collect the documents. 


2.Students who need their documents by registered post, send their correct address in an envelope and send it to college address along with bank deposit receipt for Rs 500. Director, Account section, JSColleges, NH7 (opp to Sengulam railway station),Mundradaipu, Tirunelveli-627152.


3.Person with authorization letter must meet department HOD and get his sign. We do not recommend such service for everyone but for an exceptional situation.

Unnecessary waiting in the reception or sending requisition frequently by mail without adhering to the above procedure will not help you.

Special service Charge for issuing Certificates to Students and Staff  


By post or by authorized person - Rs 1000

Students in Person  – Rs 500 

Discontinued students to collect their original documents


  1. Send requisition by email
  2. Account verification
  3. Exam cell verification
  4. Department verification
  5. Reply will be given within 10 working days by email.
  6. After completion of reply instruction no due form will be given by Trust office.
  7. Release of the original documents from the record section. Date and time will be informed to you by email. You bring the email report to collect it.


Note: Students who have registered their name under Anna University and discontinued from the course on the 1st year must pay the 2 years of Tuition fee, book fee and developmental fee for that year. Students who discontinued after 2 years must pay the entire course Tuition fee (ME-2years, BE – 4 years, Diploma- 3 years) The Anna University gives these rules. Students cannot expect the exemption from the management. So student must clear their dues before sending requisition.



This is to inform you that your payment for the next odd semester (2014-15) begins from July 1st 2014.


Late payment fine will be added from 1st September 2014.

First key--- Lab technicians are responsible to lock the department lab as usual and leave the key in the office. Next day they take it by entering it in the register. I found the register is not maintained properly.  Department HOD’s are requested to take necessary steps to improve it.

Second key--- Campus directors Mrs. Bakiya Sundari and Mr.Vellasamy are responsible for the second key.

This is effective from 27/5/14

Effective Communication at One Stop Center


This is to inform you that staff and students must use the drop boxes kept in the One Stop Center. Each institution will have a box properly labeled. There will not be any staff available at the offices of Engineering College, Polytechnic, or Trust Office to collect your requisitions. You can also send the requisition by email id to and this is the most preferred method of communication with the management.


Reply will be given to your email id mentioned in the requisition letter within 10 working days. So, please make sure your email id is correct and check replies frequently.


This is effective from 27/5/14.

JS Colleges: Guidelines for Issue of Staff Certificates

Staff who leaves the job without prior intimation must pay 3 months salary to get their certificate. Every year, the staff are given the opportunity to leave by 30th April of every year. After April 30th if any staff leaves before December even with 1 month notice they must pay 3 months salary to get their certificate. They must get their HOD signature on the requisition and no dues from the account section and library.

Updated: May 15, 2014


JS Students who Need Bonafide Certificate to Avail Bank Loan

Students who need bonafide certificate, please send your requisition by email

You will get the reply within 3 working days stating the date and time for you to collect from the Trust Office by paying Rs 100 cash or bank receipt.

Unnecessary waiting in the reception or sending requisition frequently by mail without adhering to the above procedure will not help you.

Updated: May 15, 2014

The School's Vision

The vision of JS Colleges is empowerment of young men and women of India with knowledge of what to do, skills of how to do, and attitude of can do. Professionally educated men and women of strong virtues and values, we envision, would drive themselves, their families and countries to prosperity.

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Welcome to the new academic year 2012-13. I am happy to welcome you all in the new academic year. Each one of us has started the year with great expectation of receiving quality education in our JS Colleges. Since I took up the management role since 16thSeptember 2008, I have worked with teachers to remind them of their responsibility for inspiring students and pushing them to learn.

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